






Based on the limited land space of Singapore, the number of martial arts gym set up here is considered pretty high. You'll be spoilt for choices when it comes to picking a gym to join. We all have different motivations and reason behind our decision to take up martial arts, fitness, self defence or competition aspirations.

It's not easy to find a gym to train at in the long stay, I've personally trained at other gyms and I did not start off at Onyx. So here's why you should seriously consider Onyx MMA; I first joined Onyx while they were still at located at Jurong Tradehub21 and have stayed here ever since.

Here's why Onyx MMA is totally awesome ( In my opinion and what kept me here)

1. Coaches here are absolutely patient and methodical with newbies

Many of us including myself get nervous for our first martial arts class, and that shouldn't be the case, you are paying for a class and yes you're supposed to learn something out of the class. While there might be other gyms that unintentionally throws you into the deep end of the pool. There's no such thing here. Our coaches will give you a specialised coaching class during your first lesson, teaching you the basics without the pressure of training with more experienced people there. So fret not, you'll be inducted to the actual class at a comfortable pace.

2. The trainers here can be more than just a trainer, They're family.

It has become a tradition to have some R&R after the last class of every friday. Steamboat, BBQ, Pizza, Spring chickens, you name it, we've done it. The gym places high emphasis on making students and their staff feel at home. These cohesions will allow you to make friends/nakmuays/rolling buddies, enjoy a cheat meal after a harsh training session, besides, there's more to a gym than just training, it's about feeling at home and making new friends.

3. Training that actually pushes you to the limit ( if that is what you're looking for)

There are gyms around that simply have too many members in one single session that it is impossible to have a fruitful workout session, at times you might end up holding pads for fellow members. Personally, i've seen many gyms that get their members to hold pads for one another. At Onyx, no member holds pad, it is all done by the trainers. No matter the class size, you can assure that there will be at least 3 rounds of pads per person, which is by no means easy ( guaranteed to give you a run for your money). If the padwork and bagwork doesn't tire you, rest assured that the strength and conditioning conducted by our grandmaster 'Kanditioner' will smoke you and leave you drenched in sweat and gasping for air. Remember! Sweat are your fats crying. Your #zoukoutbody might just finally come into fruition this year!

4. Our Muay Thai/BJJ/Boxing programmes are tested and proven

Our Muay Thai training sessions are modelled after traditional thai gym classes. That means, you actually learn proper and useful techniques ( Yes we pride ourselves in that, It wouldn't be nice if you tried to show off a half-baked roundhouse kick without proper technique to that pretty girl who in class who happens to be a martial arts fanatic that you've been trying to impress for the whole semester.) The 2 years I've spent at Onyx is a testament,  I dare say that I've improved at a steady rate under the tutelage of the seasoned muay thai coaches. The clarity in their instruction, patience and willingness to correct your problems are top notch and this is what martial arts is all about; perfecting and sharpening your skills through the minor details. The same can be said for our BJJ classes, with Jason from BJJ Singapore overlooking the classes,  Just come for classes religiously and you can see yourself improving exponentially.

5. The most important of all, training here is FUN.

There's no point in joining a gym if you don't enjoy it there. To put it simply, it can have the best of facilities, most qualified of coaches, but, if you are not enjoying yourself there, there is no point staying on. At Onyx we promote a healthy and fun environment, where there is no hierarchy, regardless of coach or members, fighters or newcomers. There's always room for new friends. There is no point in describing the friendship and warmth you'll feel here when you step foot into the gym. So come on down and experience it yourself. There are no obligations. Although we strongly believe that after you have your first class. You hit yourself in the head for not signing up earlier.

About Onyx MMA

Onyx MMA is a mixed martial arts gym situated at West Coast Singapore. We pride ourselves in a fun, inclusive and tough training environment. Onyx is a family, and a second home to many.
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