






Boxing, Onyx Boxing
The Left that ended the night early.

This is a post that highlights the ups and downs of my first ever fight preparation for a boxing match organized by Legends Fight Sports ( A professional and well-organized event) that took place at chevrons two weeks back. Two aspiring martial-artists, Fir and DK, took the first step to sign up for the novice boxing match. And so, with their signatures on the dotted line, the daily grind began.
Words cannot describe these incredible journey. If you have a bucket list, competing in a ring should definitely be on your list, it's not just about senseless brawling or street fighting, it's about hardwork dedication and striving for perfection. The sweet science of Boxing, hit and don't get hit.

Preparations for the fight wasn't easy, that's right, nothing comes easy in life, and that's what makes the victory that much sweeter. Training began somewhere in mid-jan, Kandar and Arab, our chief boxing coaches, prepared the programme for us. The first phase was about unlocking that inner-beast within us. It's true when people say that within each and everyone of us, there's a fighter. Think about your life journeys, being born onto this earth, getting into that top school, fighting for grades, getting your future wife, each phase of life itself is a battle. To unlock the beast within us, training started with hard gruelling sparring sessions. Sparring with Kandar? ABSOULUTELY FREAKING SUCKKED, Just imagine fighting against Hulk just that he isn't green. The dude keeps coming at you no matter how hard a punch you land on him. With that, we were all physically and spiritually broken, but we always come back stronger and better. I'm a firm advocate of hard sparring, it should not be done excessively, but enough to make you feel like quitting the sport. The total rounds we sparred through out the whole training camp was around a good 60-70 hard rounds, talk about the major loss of brain cells.. Overall, we survived in one piece, the sparring were planned to bring us out of the comfort zone but never meant to hurt us or make us quit.

Subsequent sessions in the later months included running at Pandan reservoir in the evening under the blistering heat. The run is tougher than what most BMT recruits go through today, you can have our word on that. Physical training sessions were as scientific as it can be, Arab, having a deep understanding and vast experience in S&C, crafted programmes that were specifically designed to build strength and explosiveness for Boxing.

Kandar on the other hand is a pure genius in Boxing training. If you don't believe it, the video below is a testament of how they've helped us improve, enjoy the artwork.

It's not just winning, it's doing it with style.

About Onyx MMA

Onyx MMA is a mixed martial arts gym situated at West Coast Singapore. We pride ourselves in a fun, inclusive and tough training environment. Onyx is a family, and a second home to many.
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