






Why I hesitated starting Muay Thai

Hesitating to sign up for Muay Thai because you feel that you aren’t athletic enough to take on this ‘hardcore’ sport? Or are you hesitating because you feel that you can’t have the time commitment?

Leading a hectic lifestyle today, we conveniently state a few excuses to brush off the idea of exercising. Just 2 years back, I was one of those who refused to accept the idea of working out as a lifestyle routine. Simply because of a multitude of reasons, I was never athletic since young; Muay Thai looks too ‘hardcore’ for me; and I’m afraid I’d make a fool out of myself and of course, by far the most common excuse– I have no time for Muay Thai.

Before and after. A stark transformation.

I didn't deliberately chose to start Muay Thai. It all started on this very fine Sunday late morning in September 2012 when I had to make my way to a Muay Thai gym where a friend of mine was training. No, I wasn’t there for a class. And no, I wasn’t there for a trial. I was just purely there to wait for a friend. So as I was early, I sat at the side of the ring, watching the trainees all geared up in shin pads and gloves, ready for a sparring session. It then struck my mind that, “Hey! That doesn’t look as ‘hardcore’ as I thought it would be. I mean, if these girls could manage going through the whole session of training and sparring, I’m sure I can do it as well right?”

However, that thought wasn’t strong enough to purge me out of my comfort zone to take the first step in signing up for a trial. The feeling then was probably common amongst everybody. It was like "huh, don't want lah." It was only after months of mental struggle and persuasion, that I finally took up my first Muay Thai trial in January 2013, simply because New Year calls for a New Year resolution. I wasn’t having any expectations out of the trial; all I could hope for with my fingers crossed was that I don’t make a fool out of myself in front of the other trainees.

Fast forward to 2015, I have been practicing Muay Thai for 2 years and throughout these years, Muay Thai hasn’t been just a hobby but it has been my lifestyle routine. From the usual 1.5hrs of training to the full 3hrs fight prep training session, this sport has brought my mental and physical limits to a whole new level. Yes, I do compete. And if you are admiring that I have the luxury of time to commit to the training routine, don’t be. Like many of you, I’m a full time working executive, and besides that, I’m a full time undergraduate student as well. My career, given its competitive nature, requires me to be consistently on the ball, and these three aspects of my life - career, studies and Muay Thai definitely each requires a reasonable amount of time commitment. It definitely wasn’t the easiest thing to manage, especially, when I was preparing for my fight. That points back to the most common excuse of “ I have no time for....”. Isn’t that the lousiest excuse as well?

Well, if I had the chance to go back in time and change one thing that I regret, I would take up this sport much earlier! But ladies, it’s never too late! Despite my hectic schedule, training after work has always been a great joy to me; it’s this family that adds a pleasant note to end my day well without fail each time. Looking forward, I believe this family will just continue to enrich my Muay Thai journey and bring it up to a whole new level.

Top 3 videos to watch when you start losing motivation and focus in training.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. In the world of martial arts, like any other hobbies or passion you might have. That fire is bound to burn out at certain points in life. Work catches up to you, endless project deadlines and meetings. You find that 24 hours a day isn't enough at all.

Here, we provide some videos that have reignited our passion in the time of darkness. It worked for us, we couldn't wait to step back into the once dreaded gym after watching these videos. So if you feel sluggish today, just watch these videos, get fired up, and kick some ass.

The previous UFC welterweight champ, Johny Hendricks, is known to balloon outta proportions during off-season. So if you're like him. Take a look at how hard he trains during competition season.

Who says strength and conditioning sessions are boring. in this video, it's anything but boring. Watch this and it might just get you fired up enough to attend Arab's S&C session (which is no joke.)

A compilation of all the beasts in MMA, coupled with a kickass music, This is one of our favorite videos as it perfectly encapsulates how a daily grinding session in the gym is like. We just cant get enough of videos like these

ARE YOU MOTIVATED AND PUMPED UP NOW? ITS TIME TO HIT THE GYM, go destroy some bags and padwork.

Types of sparring partners you'll meet at the gym (and yes, we are focusing more on the douche-y ones)

We've all been there, and done that. Our virgin sparring experience, just like how we took our first baby steps when we were learning to walk. Everything is a brand new experience, a sensory overload, So many things happening at once. You're trying to get a grasp of reality, trying to figure out what's going on, Punches coming from the left from the right, And this being your first sparring session. The only skill you'll master here is the Iron Head Technique. That is, to do nothing but absorb punches.

In your journey towards being a better fighter or just the quest for perfection. You'll meet numerous sparring partners everyday. They'll help you vastly in improving, sharing and imparting of knowledge, or they'll just downright annoy the crap outta you. With that, we proudly present..


1.The Skilled Fighter

Nothing really interesting here and we shan't elaborate on it. Basically your instructors and fighters in the gym fall into this category, Tonnes and tonnes of stuff to learnt from them, they'll teach you and spar with you real technically, just like how your first girlfriend taught you the concept of holding hands, guiding you along. Sparring partners like this are the best, you'll learn what kind of shots with hurt you, without actually getting hurt by it. ( Think of it as firing blanks in an army exercise)

2. The Skilled Poser

AHHHHHHHH, this is where things get interesting. The skilled poser, he's got the looks and parts of what a fighter is like in your mind. Silently shadow boxing at one corner, refusing to join the normal classes because he/she thinks they are too good for the class. All hell breaks loose when you spar with them. They will be constantly correcting your 'mistakes' and 'errors' in the midst of barraging you with unnecessarily heavy punches as if it were a championship fight( Mind you even championship fighters dont hit this hard, gotta pace themselves yo!) At some point in time you'll start to realise, HEY! THIS GUY IS JUST USING ME AS A PUNCHING BAG, the advices and coaching are just a ploy to keep you there and not hit back. And when the sparring session starts to get competitive. Our champion poser has already run out of gas and decide to call it a day and head for the showers, leaving you in a heaping pile of angsty mess, not knowing what to do after taking that many cheapshots.

3. The Phone Operator

For some reasons, these people sure love to talk. Don't get us wrong, it certainly makes the gym more lively and fun. But there's always a right thing to do at the right moment. Chatting while sparring surely isn't one of them. Your phone operator sparring partner, while throwing his jab crosses and leg kicks, love to conversate with you after either one of you guys land shots. " Ohhhh so you're in uni now? wha!? you're 21? I thought you're 16! So what are you doing now? How long have you been doing this? What's your name? SERIOUSLY........  leave the chatter and mingling after the sparring session. Soldiers dont chat with their instructors or buddies during a live-firing exercise yea??

4. Mr Lonely Valentine

Being single isn't bad by any means, some guys go to the club to strut their dance moves and buy girls drinks. Others try on Tinder, and then we have our favourite group of single peeps: Fellow gym goers :)  They're always dressed and groomed their best for training, sometimes you might mistake them for people who have already ended training and are heading down to town for dinner or something, but no! They are here to train. During sparring sessions, everything is all fine until one of the many Onyx eye-candies shows up for training. Like a male peacock trying to impress. Mr lonely valentine tries his best to get the eye-candy's attention, at the expense of your safety. He starts letting out low groans as he kicks or punches you. It gets harder and harder. You ideal sparring session suddenly turn into S##T just like how sparring with the poser would feel like. Please guys. There are many other ways to impress, like approaching the girl after training and initiating a chat ( that would be 99cents for the tip :) )

5. The Xiao Mei Mei

Or we would like to call them the Chilli padis, we have quite a feel deceivingly good martial artistes in the gym. You might think some of them are 16 or below. But all of them are old enough and some of them are even old enough to be your employer. You're not sure whether to go hard or to even hit them at all. until one of their leg kicks land on you and you realise. S##t just got real. Do not be fooled by them, take them seriously like how you would with a fighter ( technically and not with brute force of course :) )

In our gym there are many wonderful characters and be sure to check out part 2 of our post as we continue discovering unique and special sparring partners. OSSSS
